
List of 2024 Matchbox is complete

The Matchbox catalog for the 2024 model year is complete. It contains more than 550 listed cars. It is an incredible number, although the record from 2022 is more than 100 cars higher. The numbers given are for hardcore collectors who must have everything that comes out. Softcore collectors only need new releases, either new castings or liveries, in short, no reccurent, and there were "only" 289 of them. Although for some it is not enough and it is necessary to add the remaining cars in the series that are released with the new release in order to maintain the continuity of the series.

Anyway, happy holidays to all collectors and happy hunting in 2025.

New photos

2025-01-01 2024-12-31 2024-12-26 2024-12-24 2024-12-20 2024-12-19 2024-12-18